Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Anxiety is a goal oriented, solution focused, evidence based modality that supports people in identifying and reframing unhelpful thoughts (5-8 sessions suggested).

On the other hand, depending on your needs, we can do brief therapy (Solution Focused Brief Therapy- 1 session)— see how it goes. By emphasizing an individual's strengths and past achievements, SFBT nurtures self-efficacy and resilience, crucial for managing anxiety. The therapy's time-efficient nature makes it highly accessible, especially beneficial for those with demanding schedules. SFBT's goal-focused strategy provides clear, achievable objectives, offering a sense of direction and purpose in therapy. Its positive, solution-centric approach shifts the emphasis from anxious thoughts to constructive problem-solving, promoting a more optimistic mindset.

Do you ever find yourself constantly over thinking or  getting worked up about everyday matters; feeling on edge for no reason; unexplained muscle tension or digestive discomfort; procrastination or avoidance of tasks; a sense of looming distress or unease; increased irritability?


  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is an effective treatment for those struggling with sleep disorders. It addresses the underlying thoughts and behaviors that disrupt sleep, fostering healthier sleep patterns. CBT-I benefits include improved sleep quality and duration, reduced reliance on sleep medication, and better overall mental health. By learning relaxation techniques and cognitive strategies, individuals can reframe negative thoughts about sleep, leading to longer and more restorative rest. Additionally, CBT-I often has long-term benefits, as the skills and habits developed during therapy can provide lasting improvements in sleep health.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is highly beneficial for managing social anxiety. It works by identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and beliefs that contribute to anxiety in social situations. Through CBT, individuals learn coping skills to reduce fear and avoidance behaviors. The therapy often includes exposure to social situations in a controlled manner, helping to gradually build confidence and social skills. Over time, CBT can lead to a significant reduction in social anxiety symptoms, improved social interactions, and enhanced overall quality of life. Its effectiveness lies in empowering individuals with practical tools to manage anxiety and engage more freely in social contexts. text goes here

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a valuable approach for addressing trauma-related issues. It helps individuals understand and change how they think and react to traumatic memories. CBT for trauma focuses on identifying and challenging unhelpful beliefs related to the traumatic event, fostering a more adaptive understanding and perspective. This therapy often includes techniques like exposure therapy, where individuals confront and process traumatic memories in a safe environment, reducing the power of these memories to elicit intense emotional responses. The benefits of CBT for trauma include reduced symptoms of PTSD, decreased anxiety and depression, and improved coping skills. It empowers individuals to regain control over their thoughts and emotions, leading to improved mental health and resilience.

"You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you."...

"Anxiety is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you very far."...

"You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you."... "Anxiety is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you very far."...


Do you ever feel low; unexplained physical fatigue; feelings of never being good enough; changes in appetite and sleep patterns;social withdrawal or a general sense of dissatisfaction with life (maybe languishing)? Behaviour Therapy for depression is a structured, evidence based, goal-oriented therapy that focuses on recognizing and then improving unhelpful thought patterns and behaviours.

About 5-8 sessions are recommended by experts.

It takes commitment (and some homework) to engage in this sort of thought work.

If that sounds like too much, you might want to try SFBT (1-2 sessions). Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is particularly effective for treating depression due to its future-oriented approach, which encourages clients to envision and work towards a life beyond their current struggles. It empowers individuals by focusing on their strengths and past successes, fostering a sense of capability and resilience. This therapy is time-efficient and goal-oriented, making it practical for those with busy lifestyles. Its positive approach shifts the focus from problems to solutions, promoting a more optimistic outlook.

  • There's a notable overlap between depression and eating disorders. CBT can be effective by helping to challenge unhealthy thought patterns related to body image and food, and by teaching healthier coping mechanisms. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps with depression and being overweight by:

    Linking Emotions and Eating: Understanding how depression affects eating habits and developing healthier coping strategies.

    Changing Negative Thoughts: Addressing negative self-perceptions about body weight and improving self-esteem.

    Encouraging Healthy Habits: Setting realistic goals for diet and exercise to promote gradual lifestyle changes.

    Stress Management: Teaching techniques to manage stress, reducing emotional eating.

    Mindfulness: Using mindfulness to recognize and respond to hunger and fullness cues more effectively.

  • Many individuals with depression also struggle with substance abuse. CBT aids in identifying the triggers for substance use, developing coping strategies to deal with cravings, and finding healthier ways to manage emotions, thus addressing both conditions simultaneously.

  • For those suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and depression, CBT can be tailored to address trauma-related thoughts and behaviours while also tackling depressive symptoms.

"Going to therapy is like opening a book about yourself and discovering you're the author."......

"Once you choose hope, anything is possible." ....

"Going to therapy is like opening a book about yourself and discovering you're the author."...... "Once you choose hope, anything is possible." ....

Are you feeling stuck in a cycle of negative communication patterns in your marriage; uncomfortable distance; persistent feelings of resentment; decline in trust?

 I’m sorry you are going through this. Remember, this phase doesn't define your entire relationship; it's a part of your journey. With mutual understanding, patience, and effort, many couples find their way back to a stronger, more fulfilling bond. You're not alone in this, and it's a sign of your commitment to each other that you're here, ready to take steps towards healing and growth.

Marriage Therapy

  • Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) for couples is a future-oriented approach that emphasizes setting specific goals to improve the relationship. It focuses on the couple's strengths and resources, using techniques like the "miracle question" to envision a desired future and scaling questions to assess progress. SFBT is brief and efficient, (only 1 session) encouraging couples to identify and build upon small changes that move them closer to their goals. This method empowers couples to develop their own solutions, fostering autonomy and a positive, proactive approach to relationship improvement.

  • This method requires atleast 5 sessions. Emphasis is on 3 areas.

    1) Communication: Focuses heavily on enhancing communication skills, managing conflict, and fostering a deeper understanding between partners.

    2) Emotional Connection: Aims to deepen the emotional connection and intimacy between partners, helping them build a more meaningful and satisfying relationship.

    3) Addressing Underlying Issues: It's more analytical, often delving into underlying issues that affect the relationship.

  • Gottman Method is ideal for couples seeking a deep, research-based approach to understanding and improving their relationship, particularly in terms of communication and emotional connection. I recommend at least 5 sessions. On the other hand, SFBT suits couples looking for a more brief, future-focused approach that empowers them to develop their own solutions based on their strengths, probably 1-2 sessions.

....."A good marriage is not something you find; it’s something you make, and you have to keep on making it."

..."Marriage is not a noun; it’s a verb. It isn’t something you get. It’s something you do. It’s the way you love your spouse every day."

....."A good marriage is not something you find; it’s something you make, and you have to keep on making it." ..."Marriage is not a noun; it’s a verb. It isn’t something you get. It’s something you do. It’s the way you love your spouse every day."